You can search on-line for free Italian registered trademarks.
You can also apply on-line for trademark registration.
Feel free to contact us.
Register your trademark in Italy and European Union.
Our experienced Trademark Attorneys are glad to assist you to register your trademark in Italy and European Union.
You can search on-line for free prior Italian Trademarks.
Each trademark application is carefully reviewed in order to provide your strong trademark rights against counterfeiting.
How useful would be a control service of trademarks, in all European customs, to verify that no counterfeit goods are imported? EDB is the answer
If yes, the first step is to verify that your trademark can be legally used in Italy. The second is registering your trademark in front of the Italia...
We found an increase in reports from our customers and users of unusual mail from companies requesting payment for trademark and design services su...
As of May 2015 it is possible to file patents, trademarks, designs, etc. on line at: servizionline.uibm.gov.it. However, we must admit, the new system...